The Rules Of Socializing With The Opposite Sex

The Women We Want Vs The Women We Sleep With

How To Claim Your Break-Up

Why Black Women Should Give White Guys A Chance

The Dating Scams We Have All Pulled

From here forth, I would like for no one to refer to me as a woman. The term is just so outdated, and has been used to (gasp, HORROR) describe females for centuries.

When I saw the title for this article, I thought it would be about how Wendy’s husband isn’t a wussy husband.  Seriously, wusband is a horrible name.

I think your criticizing the wrong aspect of her article. “Wusband” may sound silly, but its not uncommon for feminists to try to create new language and meanings, believing that the the language we used was created by a patriarchal society and the language effects the way we think about the world, so in order to think outside of patriarchy, we need a new language to articulate our thoughts. See: Mary Daly.

That said, her article definitely does not come across as feminist. While she insists her relationship is progressive, she also goes out of her way to assure the reader that her husband is not a “girly” man and that she is the one who wears make-up in the relationship, basically indicating that as progressive as one may be, certain gender-bending behaviors are just essentially socially unacceptable.

I understood her hesitation about marriage and the “wife” label, and her desire to rename it in order to redefine it, but I wish she hadn’t felt such a need to reassure the reader “Don’t worry, we still conform to our gender roles most of the time!”

I think your criticizing the wrong aspect of her article.

I’m pretty sure we’ve criticized every aspect of it.

The concept, the word, the woman, the far more patriarchal aspects of society she chooses to ignore

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